Configuring a Reverse Proxy

Configuring Wag for a Reverse Proxy #

When running wag behind a reverse proxy there are two configuration you must do in order to maintain security.

Wag uses the IP address of the tunnel device to determine device identification if X-Forwarded-For is not set in your reverse proxy this may lead to catastrophic security issues where a device can spoof what user it belongs to.

This guide is reverse proxy agnostic, all that is required is that the proxy speaks HTTP and can set the X-Forwarded-For header.

Configuring Wag #

First configure Wag to respect the X-Forwarded-For header:

Proxied: "true"

Add the port that the reverse proxy will expose to the ExposePorts option like so:

ExposePorts: ["80/tcp", "443/tcp"]

It is recommended that you set the WebServer.Public.ListenAddress to localhost:port, so that you can then expose it via your reverse proxy. The MFA, or tunnel we listener (WebServer.Tunnel.Port) will not have an associated IPtales rule to expose it when Proxied is true.