Configuration File

Configuration File Reference #

Proxied: Respect the X-Forward-For directive, must ensure that you are setting the X-Forward-For directive in your reverse proxy as wag relies on the client IP for authentication in the VPN tunnel
HelpMail: The email address that is shown on the prompt page
Lockout: Number of times a person can attempt mfa authentication before their account locks
ExposePorts: Expose ports on the VPN server to the client (adds rules to IPtables)

ExternalAddress: The public address of the server, the place where wireguard is listening to the internet, and where clients can reach the /register_device endpoint

MaxSessionLifetimeMinutes: After authenticating, a device will be allowed to talk to privileged routes for this many minutes, if -1, timeout is disabled
SessionInactivityTimeoutMinutes: If a device has not sent data in n minutes, it will be required to reauthenticate, if -1 timeout is disabled

DatabaseLocation: Where to load the sqlite3 database from, it will be created if it does not exist
Socket: Wag control socket, changing this will allow multiple wag instances to run on the same machine
Acls: Defines the Groups and Policies that restrict routes

Webserver: Object that contains the public and tunnel listening addresses of the webserver

WebServer.Public.ListenAddress: Listen address for endpoint
WebServer.Tunnel.Port: Port for in-vpn-tunnel webserver, this does not take a full IP address, as the tunnel listener should never be outside the wireguard device

WebServer.<endpoint>.CertPath: TLS Certificate path for endpoint
WebServer.<endpoint>.KeyPath: TLS key for endpoint

ManagementUI: Object that contains configurations for the webadministration portal. It is not recommend to expose this portal, I recommend setting ListenAddress to and then use ssh forwarding to expose it
ManagementUI.Enabled: Enable the web UI
ManagementUI.ListenAddress: Listen address to expose the management UI on
ManagementUI.CertPath: TLS Certificate path for management endpoint
ManagementUI.KeyPath: TLS key for the management endpoint

Authenticators: Object that contains configurations for the authentication methods wag provides
Authenticators.Issuer: TOTP issuer, the name that will get added to the TOTP app
Authenticators.DomainURL: Full url of the vpn authentication endpoint, required for webauthn and oidc Authenticators.DefaultMethod: String, default method the user will be presented, if not specified a list of methods is displayed to the user (possible values: webauth, totp, oidc)
Authenticators.Methods: String array, enabled authentication methods, e.g [“totp”,“webauthn”,“oidc”]

Authenticators.OIDC: Object that contains OIDC specific configuration options Authenticators.OIDC.IssuerURL: Identity provider endpoint, e.g http://localhost:8080/realms/account Authenticators.OIDC.ClientID: OIDC identifier for application Authenticators.OIDC.ClientSecret: OIDC secret Authenticators.OIDC.GroupsClaimName: Not yet used.

Wireguard: Object that contains the wireguard device configuration
Wireguard.DevName: The wireguard device to attach or to create if it does not exist, will automatically add peers (no need to configure peers with wg-quick)
Wireguard.ListenPort: Port that wireguard will listen on
Wireguard.PrivateKey: The wireguard private key, can be generated with wg genkey
Wireguard.Address: Subnet the VPN is responsible for
Wireguard.MTU: Maximum transmissible unit defaults to 1420 if not set for IPv4 over Ethernet
Wireguard.PersistentKeepAlive: Time between wireguard keepalive heartbeats to keep NAT entries alive, defaults to 25 seconds Wireguard.DNS: An array of DNS servers that will be automatically used, and set as “Allowed” (no MFA)

Acls: Object that contains all user groups and network restrictions
Acls.Groups: List of users belonging to a group
Acls.Policies: Mapping of either group, or user name to set of rules.
Acls.Poicies.<policy>.Mfa: List of routes/ports/services that can only be accessed when the use has authorized. Syntax
Acls.Poicies.<policy>.Allow: Public routes/ports/services not requiring MFA, MFA routes take precendence. Syntax

Full config example

    "Lockout": 5,
    "HelpMail": "",
    "MaxSessionLifetimeMinutes": 2,
    "SessionInactivityTimeoutMinutes": 1,
    "ExternalAddress": "",
    "DatabaseLocation": "devices.db",
    "Webserver": {
        "Public": {
            "ListenAddress": ""
        "Tunnel": {
            "Port": "8080"
    "ManagementUI": {
        "ListenAddress": "",
        "Enabled": true
    "Authenticators": {
        "Issuer": "vpn.test",
        "DomainURL": "https://vpn.test:8080",
        "Methods":["totp","webauthn", "oidc"],
        "OIDC": {
            "IssuerURL": "http://localhost:8080/",
            "ClientSecret": "<OMITTED>",
            "ClientID": "account",
            "GroupsClaimName": "groups"
    "Wireguard": {
        "DevName": "wg0",
        "ListenPort": 53230,
        "PrivateKey": "AN EXAMPLE KEY",
        "Address": "",
        "MTU": 1420,
        "PersistentKeepAlive": 25,
        "DNS": [""]
    "Acls": {
        "Groups": {
            "group:nerds": [
        "Policies": {
            "*": {
                "Allow": [
            "username": {
                  "Allow":[ ""]
            "group:nerds": {
                "Mfa": [
                    "thing.internal 443/tcp icmp"
                "Allow": [